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Coco&Coir Supporting CRY For A Brighter Future

Reading Time: 2 minutes Protecting our environment for current and future generations is something that we at Coco&Coir have always been passionate about – but we also know that there should be no generation that cannot enjoy and thrive in the clean, eco-conscious future we want to see the world have. That is why we have partnered with CRY…

Rewilding Your Garden Made Easy

Reading Time: 3 minutes Rewilding your garden made easy Reducing the environmental impact of gardening has never been more important. Going peat-free, encouraging pollinators and being more water-conscious are all great ways to help the planet. If you want to take a leaf from Mother Nature’s book, here are some ways to make rewilding your garden easy. Why is…

Sustainable Gardening Methods For Every Gardener

Reading Time: 4 minutes Stepping it up with sustainable gardening methods Being more sustainable is a hot topic in horticulture, especially at the big shows like the Chelsea Flower Show and Gardeners’ World Live this year. It’s all about being more thoughtful about how you garden and using sustainable gardening methods. You may be wondering, after hearing all about…

Your own recycled compost – done right!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Digging down into recycled compost Thinking about creating your own compost from materials you’d usually recycle? Smart move. With a little care and patience, you’ll have a free nutrient-rich growing medium for your plant babies. Plus less stuff to recycle. Result! What can be recycled to make compost? Compost is a kind of gardening casserole…

What is potting compost and do you need it?

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you want to progress as a gardener, then potting compost can really boost your growing potential, taking your yield and plant productivity to the next level. Here we go into the ins and outs of what to use when, and if it’s actually worth it. Potting compost or potting soil – what’s the difference?…

Potting soil for indoor plants

Reading Time: 3 minutes Every good houseplant parent knows the joys and demands of tending to an indoor jungle. Without access to terra firma, fresh air and rain, your houseplants rely on you to keep them healthy. No pressure then! But using the right potting soil for indoor plants will make a huge difference in making sure your charges…

Why you need seed compost

Reading Time: 5 minutes So you’ve decided to take the plunge and grow your own plants from seed. Congratulations! There’s nothing more rewarding then stocking your garden for less and keeping up a steady stream of annuals from year to year. With food prices at an all-time high, especially for organic product, there’s never been a better time to…

What is the best compost for starting seeds?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Can you use multipurpose compost for seeds? What's best for growing tomato plants? Pin down the best compost for starting seeds for a thriving garden.