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Uncommon Plant Concerns and Potential Remedies

Reading Time: < 1 minute Is keeping your plants healthy a monumental task? One day, they are in great condition; the next, you see random discolouration or mould. Do you google the symptoms and don’t find a definitive answer?  We’ve come up with a consolidated list of all the uncommon concerns you can see in your plants, the causes and…

Myth or Not? : Gardening Edition

Reading Time: < 1 minute   Over the years, have you heard old wives’ tales in gardening that have worked wonders for your fellow gardeners? But are they scientifically backed or just myths that caught on? Find out through this fun quiz we have curated exclusively for all gardening enthusiasts!   

Your July Activity List – Gardener’s Edition

Reading Time: 4 minutes July can be a challenging month for home gardeners, balancing the joy of harvesting fresh vegetables and herbs with the ongoing battle against weeds and pests. To help you navigate these tasks, here’s a comprehensive checklist for your garden’s needs this month. General Garden Maintenance Watering Assess Plant Needs: Different plants have different water requirements.…

How to Create A Pollinator Garden – A Comprehensive Guide

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is a Pollinator-Friendly Garden?  A pollinator-friendly garden is crafted to allure and bolster pollinating insects and animals. These gardens provide essential habitat and resources for pollinators, including food sources such as nectar and pollen, nesting sites, and water sources.  Pollinator-friendly gardens typically feature diverse flowering plants that bloom year-round, ensuring a continuous food supply…

Why Native Plant Gardens Are Gaining Popularity in the UK?

Reading Time: 4 minutes The one gardening trend that has stood out in the last few years is native plant gardening, and it is making the right impact on the environment!  To beginners, native gardening involves cultivating plants indigenous to the local region rather than exotic species.  These non-native species can cause many long-term and short-term impacts on the…

Layering for Impact: Creating Depth and Dimension in Small Garden Spaces

Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you live in an urban space and want to maximise the charm of your home garden? Crafting depth and dimension is essential for transforming small garden spaces into visually captivating indoor sanctuaries. From colour theory to layering for impact, here are a few concepts that will bring outstanding results for your microgarden. Understanding Layering…

How to Get Your Garden Spring-Ready?

Reading Time: 3 minutes The end of winter is within sight and it’s time to make plans for the blooming season. We know that your vision board is ready with new designs and dreams for your home garden, and now is the time to start working on those incredible ideas. We have curated some beginner-friendly tips to make your…

Embracing Sustainable Gardening in 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes In today’s ever-changing world, the importance of sustainability is growing. A quick search on Google Trends for “sustainability” shows a graph that has been steadily increasing for years. More people than ever before are looking for ways to live more harmoniously with nature, and gardening offers a unique opportunity to do just that. As we…

Creating the Perfect DIY Potting Mix with Compost

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hey there fellow gardeners! If you’re like us, you love getting your hands dirty in your garden and watching it flourish. But do you ever wonder what’s going on beneath the surface in those pots and planters? IN this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of potting mix and explore the art of…