How to Get Your Garden Spring-Ready?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The end of winter is within sight and it’s time to make plans for the blooming season. We know that your vision board is ready with new designs and dreams for your home garden, and now is the time to start working on those incredible ideas.

We have curated some beginner-friendly tips to make your garden ready for this spring.

Assessment and Planning:

  • Assess your garden’s condition after winter and note any damages, improvement areas, and plants needing attention.
  • Identify the goals for your garden. Are you looking to create a relaxing retreat, grow your own vegetables, attract wildlife, or simply enhance the curb appeal of your home?
  • Make a plan for what tasks must be done, considering factors like plant growth cycles, weather patterns, and microclimates within your garden, noting areas that receive more sunlight or are prone to dampness.
  • As you conduct your assessment, take detailed notes or photographs to document your observations. This will help you remember what needs to be addressed and serve as a reference when planning your spring garden duties.

Clean Up:

  • Remove debris, fallen leaves, and dead plant material from your garden beds and lawn. This improves air circulation and prevents pests and diseases.
  • Prune any dead or overgrown foliage on trees, shrubs, and perennial plants. Use pruning shears or loppers to make clean cuts, and follow proper pruning techniques for each type of plant.
  • Take the time to weed your garden beds thoroughly. Remove any weeds that have emerged over the winter months and pull them up by the roots to prevent regrowth. Use a hoe or hand trowel to loosen the soil and make it easier to remove weeds.
  • Sweep hardscape surfaces such as pathways, patios, and garden furniture. Remove any moss, algae, or debris accumulated on these surfaces over the winter. Consider pressure washing for tougher stains or build-up.
  • Edge your garden beds and lawn neatly and define their borders clearly. Use a spade or edging tool to make clean, sharp edges along pathways, flower beds, and lawn edges. This helps give your garden a polished and well-maintained appearance.

Soil Preparation:

  • Check your soil’s pH level and nutrient content by sending samples for analysis to soil testing facilities or using a home soil testing kit.
  • Amend the soil by adding peat-free compost, soil improvers, well-rotted manure, or leaf mould. Work the amendments into the soil to a depth of at least six to eight inches using a garden fork or tiller.
  • Aerate the soil to improve drainage and penetrate nutrients, water and air deeper into the root zone. Use an aerator or a garden fork to loosen compacted soil, especially in high-traffic areas or heavy clay soils.
  • Add organic mulch such as husk chips and chipped bark to your garden beds to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Apply it to a depth of two to three inches, leaving a small gap around the stems of plants to allow for air circulation.

Planting and Transplanting:

  • In the UK, spring is an ideal time for planting a wide range of flowers, vegetables, and herbs. Plan to commence planting early in the season, ensuring that the soil has sufficiently warmed and all threats of frost have subsided. Check the recommended planting times for different crops and adjust your planting schedule accordingly. 
  • Plan in advance for early-sow vegetables (peas, radishes, lettuce, spinach. etc), early-blooming flowers (pansies, sweet peas, primroses. etc.) and early-harvest herbs (parsley, chives, cilantro etc.). 
  • If you transplant seedlings or established plants into your garden, minimise root disturbance and ensure a smooth transition. Water the transplanted plants thoroughly to help them settle into their new surroundings and provide protection from strong winds and direct sunlight until they become established.

Combatting Pests and Diseases:

  • Be vigilant for any indications of pests or diseases in your garden, and promptly take measures to manage them. Use a holistic approach like Integrated Pest Management to safeguard your garden. 
  • Go for cultural practices such as crop rotation, planting a diverse range of crops, and planting them at optimal times to avoid peak pest populations or disease outbreaks.
  • Introduce beneficial predatory insects that prey on pest species, such as ladybugs (for aphids) or lacewings (for caterpillars). Also, Use microbial insecticides containing naturally occurring bacteria or fungi to target specific pest species while minimising harm to beneficial insects.
  • Remove pests by hand from plants, particularly large insects like caterpillars or beetles. You can also use traps or barriers, such as sticky traps or row covers, to monitor and control pest populations.
  • Use pesticides only when necessary, and choose the organic kind that’s not toxic for humans, pets, and beneficial insects. Apply them directly to affected plants or areas rather than broadcasting throughout the garden.

Following these steps, you can confidently step into the new season, especially if you are new to gardening. This knowledge and the right gardening tools and products will become a fool-proof way to make your garden a gleaming success.