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Growing Vegetables In Pots

Reading Time: 4 minutes Growing vegetables in pots You don’t need a massive garden to enjoy the fruits, and vegetables, of your labour. Growing vegetables in pots is a low-maintenance way to deliver fresh, delicious produce to your table. Just one healthy tomato plant can produce up to 4kg during a good summer! Why we’re ‘potty’ about container growing…

What vegetables are best to plant in winter?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Winter gardening often centres around planning for the growing year ahead, watching out for pests and disease, and suppressing weed growth. But new life doesn’t have to wait for spring. Growing seasonally is more sustainable, as plants adapted to conditions require fewer resources. Some winter vegetables may need to shelter in a greenhouse but shouldn’t…

What herbs are good to plant in autumn?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Find out which herbs are ideal for growing indoors during the cold winter months. Grow your own herbs to spice up cooking and meal times!

How to grow courgettes

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you want to grow your own courgettes, whether from seeds bought at the garden centre or saved from another crop, follow our simple three-step guide to get the most out of your plants. Step 1: sowing courgettes If you’ve saved seeds from other courgettes, be aware that there can be variations from the parent…

The best growing medium for microgreens

Reading Time: 5 minutes Microgreens can add colour, texture, taste and vitamins to mealtimes all year round. You can grow them in the smallest living spaces with just water, a growing medium, and sunlight. What are microgreens? Microgreens are green vegetables. But they’re harvested without their roots before maturing. They often contain higher levels of vitamins and nutrients than…

How to start a vegetable patch

Reading Time: 4 minutes Creating your own vegetable patch is a fantastic idea. It provides your own source of healthy, fresh food and is a great way of doing your bit to create a more sustainable way of living. In particular growing your own organic vegetables, which are expensive in the supermarket, pays financial dividends as well as giving…

What to plant in May

Reading Time: 3 minutes With the advent of warmer, drier weather it’s time to get out in the garden and tame winter’s wildness. Follow our May planting guide to see what you can plant as Spring gathers momentum. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ANNUALS, PERENNIALS AND BIENNIALS? Just in case you’re new to gardening, here’s a quick rundown of these…

How to sow tomato seeds in pots

Reading Time: 4 minutes There are two main types of tomato: compact bush varieties, and larger cordon varieties. The latter grow better in large growing bags, 30cm pots, or in the ground, and will need to be staked for support. Bush varieties don’t need support as they grow much shorter and bushier. They can be grown in pots and hanging baskets easily. Tomato plants prefer…

Get Veg Growing

Reading Time: 4 minutes We’re spending a lot more time at home at the moment, and many people are using much of this time tending their gardens. One of the biggest grow-at-home trends is growing your own veg – which is a great idea. Nothing beats the flavour of home-grown, because it’s so fresh and still full of the…