Green Gardeners’ Guild Chat With: @FromOurGardenToYours

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Welcome to the first of our features on our wonderful Green Gardeners!

We know that everyone loves inspiration – and where better to find it than in conversation with other budding gardeners from around the country?

Meet Andrew & Sadie @fromourgardentoyours

This week, we caught up with Andrew and Sadie from @fromourgardentoyours to find out more about their experience in their garden. Based in South Norfolk, the pair are dedicated lovers of cosmos flowers, but have their fair share of various plants to be found in their wonderful green space. Andrew kindly answered some of our questions about their garden space and their passion for all things green.

Introducing their garden, Andrew said: “I use my garden for a lot of purposes. I grow a lot of veg and also a lot of beautiful flowers too. My favourite veg to grow is pumpkins. I get so much joy watching them grow.” As for his favourite flowers, there is a clear winner in their garden! “My favourite flowers are cosmos and salvias. I have so many in the garden.” Cosmos are a fantastic addition to many gardens around the country and come in a variety of colours to suit anyone’s tastes. If you have yet to grow any in your green space, why not try when you are looking for a new splash of colour? You could end up loving them as much as Andrew and Sadie!

As for what else the space is used for, they said: “I use most of my gardening space to grow lots of stuff in – especially flowers and veg.” From these fantastic photos, we can definitely see all of the room used and its potential!

When asked what sort of gardener they consider themselves to be, Andrew responded: “I consider myself an everyday gardener. I do run my own business so whatever time I get I’m out in the garden or at the garden centre (haha!).” Something I think we all relate to when we have a little bit of time away from the office, I’m sure! Asked whether or not they garden alone or together, Andrew replied that “Myself and Sadie kind of garden together. I’m probably head gardener, chief sower, haha. While we do both pick the plants together, and Sadie is chief waterer.” Teamwork makes the dream work!

Of course with their set-up, everything looks very professional! However, Andrew told us that when thinking of his skill level as a gardener currently, “I would probably say I’m an amateur gardener – as with gardening you are always learning and learn something new everyday.” That is true for all of us, we are certain – even reading about experiences like theirs give us food for thought, and inspiration to do more in our own gardens. (Even planting those additional cosmos!)

Of course, we always love to know why our Green Gardeners began their gardening journey. Andrew and Sadie began theirs and love it for many of the reasons that we do, too: “I love every aspect to do with gardening. I love when spring is just around the corner and you start choosing the seeds you want to grow for the season. When you sow them and a few weeks later you see a tiny sprig of green, it’s just so exciting. Then when May comes along and you can start planting out.”

Everyone has challenges they face when gardening, too. For Andrew: “My biggest challenge when it comes to gardening is to stop sowing more seeds than I need! But I believe everyone is the same and then using lovely coco coir to sow them into.” We’re glad that more gardeners are discovering how great coir is for many different uses in the garden – and that it is becoming more widely loved, too.

We wanted to know what they would rank their garden out of 10 in terms of where they rank their garden, they said: “I would score my garden 8/10 only because it’s still a work in progress.” Even so, the garden so far is looking fantastic, wouldn’t you all agree?

Now, at Coco&Coir we love to hear about sustainable journeys, so we also asked if they were doing anything to be more sustainable in the garden, and what. Andrew was very happy to answer, saying: “I would say I’m quite sustainable when it comes to gardening because I try to reuse most everyday things. One of our biggest achievements was turning our old gas BBQ into a display table instead of putting it into landfill, which we now use as a succulent display stand.”

As for a dream tropical plant they would love to be able to grow one day? “I’d love to have a loads of exotic plants in our garden I especially like banana plants.”

A huge thank you to both Andrew and Sadie for their wonderful answers – we can’t wait to see more from their garden in future.

Share Your Green Gardeners’ Story

If you would like to share your story with the Green Gardeners’ Guild, get in touch via the form on our website and we will get in touch as soon as is possible. Follow @Fromourgardentoyours and @CocoAndCoir on Instagram for fantastic images, news, updates, and friendly gardening discussions and advice. Any stories we share will get £10-worth of loyalty points added to their account to use on their next purchase!

See you all in the new Green Gardeners’ Guild catch-up!