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Sustainable Gardening Methods For Every Gardener

Reading Time: 4 minutes Stepping it up with sustainable gardening methods Being more sustainable is a hot topic in horticulture, especially at the big shows like the Chelsea Flower Show and Gardeners’ World Live this year. It’s all about being more thoughtful about how you garden and using sustainable gardening methods. You may be wondering, after hearing all about…

Coco & Coir Outperforms The Competition – And Here’s How!

Reading Time: 4 minutes To introduce coconut coir as a fantastic peat-free alternative growing media to peat-based composts, we know that the best way is to not just say it, but show it! We can talk all day about just how good coir is for not only helping to protect natural peatlands and reduce carbon emissions across the country,…

Plastic-Free Summer Gardening with Kids

Reading Time: 5 minutes Low-cost ideas for summer gardening for kids Gardening involves all the senses, so it’s no surprise that we can have such strong childhood memories of messing about with plants and getting our hands muddy in the dirt (we’re guilty of making a few ‘potions’ and mud pies back in the day – and coco coir…

Which Peat-Free Compost Is Right For You?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Gardening is pretty eco-friendly, right? We grow plants for pollinators, make ponds for wildlife and set up bug hotels. All great additions to gardens that give something back to the environment. But we could be doing much more to help improve our planet’s carbon-capturing capabilities. Sadly, huge swathes of wetland habitats have been ripped up…

The Differences Between Perlite and Vermiculite

Reading Time: 4 minutes Perlite vs vermiculite: which one wins? The key to great gardening is not only growing sustainably, but knowing the soil that you grow your plants in. Two common choices for soil additives are perlite and vermiculite. They are soil conditioners which could help you unlock lush plants, more delicious produce and fabulously colourful blooms. Check…

The Benefits of Urban Gardening

Reading Time: 4 minutes Urban gardening: a green revolution? During the pandemic, many people discovered the joys of tending and nurturing a plant – or three! With so many Insta-gardeners proving you don’t need a massive garden to enjoy nature, more and more urbanites are taking up gardening and discovering a wonderful new hobby! What is urban gardening? Put…

Growing Vegetables In Pots

Reading Time: 4 minutes Growing vegetables in pots You don’t need a massive garden to enjoy the fruits, and vegetables, of your labour. Growing vegetables in pots is a low-maintenance way to deliver fresh, delicious produce to your table. Just one healthy tomato plant can produce up to 4kg during a good summer! Why we’re ‘potty’ about container growing…

The Guide To Vegan Compost

Reading Time: 4 minutes Tasty insights into vegan compost When you’re vegan, meals made from delicious fruit and veg makes all the difference. And what could be tastier than food you grow yourself? No dodgy additives, zero carbon miles (well, carbon meters at most!) and a rainbow of fruit and vegetable varieties you’ll never see in a supermarket. But…

Your own recycled compost – done right!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Digging down into recycled compost Thinking about creating your own compost from materials you’d usually recycle? Smart move. With a little care and patience, you’ll have a free nutrient-rich growing medium for your plant babies. Plus less stuff to recycle. Result! What can be recycled to make compost? Compost is a kind of gardening casserole…