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How often should you feed and water coco coir in your garden?

Reading Time: 2 minutes   Whilst growing plants in coco coir compost is similar to growing in soil, there are some differences. This article looks at how you should be watering and feeding your plants when using the ecologically sound growing medium that is coco peat. Our experts can guide you on how and when to feed and water…

How to Re-Use Coco Coir In Gardening

Reading Time: 2 minutes   There are many advantages to using coco coir in your home gardening, not least being the fact that it’s one of the most environmentally friendly growing mediums in the horticultural world. Whilst the popularity of coco coir (also known as coco peat) is spreading fast, the exact reasons as to why it’s so much better than traditional…

What to Look Out For When Buying Coco Coir

Reading Time: 2 minutes There are countless brands of coco coir on the market today and that number is expected to keep rising as peat moss declines in popularity. As you set out to start buying coco coir bricks for your gardening requirements, you’ll likely be told by the suppliers you encounter that theirs is a premium brand or…

Differences Between Coco Coir Peat and Sphagnum Peat Moss

Reading Time: 3 minutes Even if you’re someone who only has a passing interest in horticulture, the likelihood is that you will have heard of peat moss. It’s a material that has been used in garden soil for decades, due to the many nurturing characteristics it offers to healthy plant growth. Something that’s not so well known is the…

What is peat moss and where does it come from?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Peat moss is a fibrous material which develops over decades, when living material and vegetation decompose in boggy areas. Widely used by gardeners as a growing medium, it remains a popular horticultural product today. Peat moss is not just used to enhance potting soil consistency – it is often mixed with soil in order to improve water control and…

Using coco peat to grow plants in pots

Reading Time: 3 minutes We all want to succeed when growing plants. Nothing compliments a home or garden more than lush greenery, and coco peat is the perfect material in which to grow healthy plants. However, being a relatively unknown composting option, many people aren’t entirely sure how best to use coco coir in pots. With just a little…

How to grow vegetables in coco coir peat

Reading Time: 3 minutes   One of the main joys of having your own garden or allotment is being able to grow some delicious vegetables. However, with the sustainability issues surrounding conventional planting materials, many horticulturists are turning to more environmentally-friendly methods for growing their veg. One such method growing in popularity is the use of coco coir, created from…

Which plants grow in coco coir?

Reading Time: 4 minutes   It is easy to regard Coco Coir as a ‘miracle’ growing medium, thanks to its many benefits and applications for indoor and outdoor gardening. However, whether a plant will be able to thrive in a part- or full coconut fibre substrate will depend on several factors – relating to both the growing medium and external factors…

How is coco compost made?

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you are reading this, you are probably aware of, or considering using, nature’s true bounty. Coir compost sometimes referred to as coco peat, to describe it’s peat-free status. This eco-friendly and renewable resource is being increasingly recognised for its various benefits as a superior growing method in the horticultural world. Equally known as coco coir, where…